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Monday, October 27, 2008

Organic Barley Grass for nutrition

Organic Barley Grass DiscussionLiquorice

2) Fruit for breakfast - Try eating fruit for breakfast! Fresh fruit - apples, grapefruit, strawberries, cherries, oranges, kiwi, melon, and grapes all count. In fact, any fruit works - and there are so many to choose from. Eating fruit for breakfast will get you on the road to having a healthier body right away. Fruit in its raw form is full of vitamins and minerals and will give you lots of energy and also it is low in calories.

3) Eat slowly - When we eat slowly, the process of chewing and mixing foods in our mouth with saliva is the first step in digestion. The more we chew our foods, the less work is needed to digest them. For people who are constantly experiencing bloating, stomach pain or heartburn after eating, they are eating too fast and are causing indigestion. The other benefit of eating slowly is to prevent over eating. By eating slowing, we allow the stomach to signal the brain when we have eaten enough before we have eaten too much. For people who want to eat less, eating slowly is most effective.

4) Regular exercise - For the best results, add exercise to your plan. Regular exercise not only expends energy as you're doing it, but can also lead to increases in your basal metabolic rate, so you'll burn more Calories even at rest. High-intensity exercises burn the most Calories, but don't select exercises solely on their fat-burning potential. Instead, pick exercises (i.e. sports activities) that you enjoy, and want to incorporate into your daily routine.
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Bone Health

For example the bottle of Mineral Water that I have actually has 1.5 serves per bottle. Its serving size is 200ml, I have 150ml served in a flute glass with my main meal so the bottle gives me 'two' drinks. It makes a nice compliment to my meal. Cutting serves like that is ok. It can create havoc when you are counting calories though but the Nutritional Info should have a energy per serve and energy per 100ml [or grams, etc]
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