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Monday, January 12, 2009

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Don Quai Powder ReviewsSuperfoods

An alteration of the diet such that oxidized fats are decreased, saturated fats are decreased, omega-6 fats are decreased (in Western societies), and omega-3 and omega-9 rich foods are increased may potentially result in a restoration of health to the vessel wall. Prostaglandins created by omega-3 and omega-9 oils create opposite effects to the vessel constricting, clot-forming effects of the omega-6 oils since they compete for the same enzyme system. (Refer to Fig. 18) Therefore, if omega-3 and -9 fatty acids are increased in the diet, they use up the enzyme systems normally used byarachidonic acid to form the atherogenic promoting eicosanoids. This is the present explanation for the epidemiological evidence showing that humans and animals consuming higher levels of the omega-3 and omega-9 classes of fatty acids develop far less of the common cardiovascular problems than exist in Western society.

There is some evidence that the incidence of cardiovascular disease is proportional to the ratios of fatty acid classes in platelets, which is in turn related to diet. Eskimos, for example, have a higher omega-3 to omega-6 ratio in their tissues reflecting their high fish diet, which is in turn related to their low risk of cardiovascular disease compared to Western nations. (Fig. 28)

[ The Formation Of Atheroma Image ]
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Q. Should I train abs every day?

A. There is no easy answer to this question. Some experts consider the abs to be just �another set of muscles� and as such you only need to train them a couple of times per week. Other experts counter that the abs are designed for repeated training and can be worked every day. Our advice is to try both abdominal training approaches and see which one seems to work best for you.
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Natural HealingEmotion Health Tips For Divorce Or Break Up


Emotion Health Tips For Divorce Or Break Up

Submitted By: Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.

To lose your partner is always painful. It is a heartache, any way you look at it. It hurts. Your body aches and your heart feels like it is going to explode. You are face to face with the most important decision in your life.

The choice you make at this moment determines how the rest of your life unfolds. When you are hurt by divorce or a break up or a death, you can feel the emotional pain or continue to try to avoid your hurt feelings.

If you choose to become more defended, your body becomes harder and your heart closers tighter. In your next relationship you are sure to repeat your same old ?hurt pattern.? You might even think that you are attracting the same kind of person, yet again.

On the other hand, you can choose to be wise and become emotionally healthy. You can open up to your emotional pain instead of running away from it. When you choose to open up to your emotional pain, your body become more relaxed and your energy flows. You resolve your ?hurt pattern? so you do not have to repeat it in your next loving relationship.

It was a broken heart that kicked my own personal transformation into high gear. So I know the thing you need to hear the most is you are lovable and you are loved. This is what you need to remind yourself of over and over again, even though it does not feel true right now.

In addition, you need to reassure yourself you have done nothing wrong and there is nothing wrong with you. You might be thinking if you had only done this, they wouldn?t have left or if you had only done that, they wouldn?t have died. Or you might be experiencing regret that you abandoned your partner.

Reassure yourself that you are not a terrible, bad, unlovable person. This is true and it helps to hear it and say it to yourself. A broken heart needs love, not judgment.

Of course you are not perfect. Of course you pushed love away with your controlling behaviors. Of course you acted out your unresolved emotional issues in your relationship. This is true of everyone.

Your partner was also doing the exact same thing with you. Of course you blamed them and they blamed you. This is universal relationship stuff. These love relationship dynamic are exactly what you want to become more aware of so in your next relationship you are better at loving.

Everyone has these love relationships problems. No one is perfect. We do not have to be perfect to be loved. Perfect is an image and no one loves an image. We can only love our real self and the real self of others. This is what you want to get better at doing- loving your real self.

You need courage and support to stay in the hurt and feel it. "Opening the Heart," was made to comfort you and lead you though the process of letting go of past hurts once and for all so that you do not continue to repeat your emotional pain in the next love relationship.

There is a wonderful, delightful magic which happens when you feel your hurt feelings. You let go of them, they disappear. The area where your hurt was frozen in your body opens and becomes soft so you can receive love. Open Hearts attract real, true love.

Your heart becomes strong and healthy, allowing love to flow in and out of it with great vitality. You can enjoy each moment in the natural process of becoming more of who you really are- even the painful ones. Love yourself into emotional health so the next love relationship with last.

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Nice is nice!

Fri, 14 Nov 2008 12:54:23 EDT
It was too late to find a store, but I was able to throw together a meal with left over pantry items the previous renters had left - tomato paste, water, g arlic powder, and spaghetti. So far, so good....

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Nice is nice!

Fri, 14 Nov 2008 12:54:23 EDT
It was too late to find a store, but I was able to throw together a meal with left over pantry items the previous renters had left - tomato paste, water, g arlic powder, and spaghetti. So far, so good....

Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide

Wed, 19 Nov 2008 11:55:32 EDT
Powder Power Arctic Cat Z1 Turbo Sno Pro is one fast feline....

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