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Friday, April 04, 2008

Lets talk about Dr Wheatgrass Skin Spray

Natural SupplementsWeight Loss? 2 Basic Skills You Need

Laurel Mellin, M.A., R.D.
Associate Clinical Professor , University of California at San Francisco School of Medicine
Director, Institute for Health Solutions
Author, The Pathway: Follow the Road to Health and Happiness
The Solutions: 6 Winning Ways to Permanent Weight Loss
The Shapedown Program

If you have been dieting, there is a good chance you have lost weight. Unfortunately, large numbers of successful dieters quickly regain the poundage. If you wish to maintain the weight you have lost without developing substitute excesses such as overspending, overworking, excessive drinking or smoking, you must satisfy the emotional hunger that causes people to overeat. To do this you need to master two basic skills self-nurturing and setting effective limits. Self-nurturing is the ability to check our feelings and needs throughout the day in order to know and honor ourselves and better meet our needs. Setting effective limits is the skill of having reasonable expectations and following through with them. That enables us to take action and have more power and greater safety in our lives.
People who have mastered these two skills are far more likely to be healthy and happy. Learning them is not a quick fix and takes time. But, from the first moment you use them, you will begin to feel better and more satisfied. After these skills are used over and over again, they become integrated into our brains, and the changes are developmental, that is, we begin to feel as if we have a new life.
These are not new concepts. In fact, the essential elements of self-nurturing and setting limits have been part of the scientific literature since at least 1940. The problem is that the current methods used to help people lose weight, dont involve these skills. So, people lose weight then regain it and begin to believe that they cannot solve their weight problems. They feel powerless and discouraged. All that is unnecessary.
Our patterns for self-nurturing and limits skills were implanted early in life in the feeling brain. The various healing methods for feeling better and turning off the drive to overeat, which are based on insight, knowledge, or analysis, are processed by the thinking brain. Unfortunately, they target the wrong part of our brain. So, we know what we should eat, but we cant do it. The drives to overeat are too strong.
The Solution Method enables you to reach your feeling brain and retrain it will the skills of nurturing and limits. Its just like learning to type. The more you practice it, the sooner the skills become automatic. When they do, your inner life naturally favors a life in which the whole range of excesses (not just overeating, but overspending, overworking, drinking too much and smoking) fades. What follows is nothing less than a personal transformation. But, it requires time usually 18 months to master the basic skills. Group meetings, such as the support provided by the Buddy system, are key.
Until recently, most people were unaware of this method. That proved to be a blessing. It enabled us to study it in relative obscurity. We have been able to train thousands of people in this method.
While using The Solution, you will become aware that there are two worlds: the world above the line and the world below the line. With training, you pump your self-nurturing and limits skills so that you spend more of your day above the line or in a state in which you are emotionally balanced, spiritually connected and intimate with others. Moreover, the annoying drives that cause your excesses what we call external solutions fade. Life without the self-nurturing and limit setting skills forces you to spend too much time below the line. Life below the line keeps you out of balance. Your excesses flourish, and your life has few rewards.
There are a few explanations for why you lack these skills to nurture yourself and set limits. Modern life requires more skills. Earlier generations were faced with far fewer choices and a less changing society. Indeed, communities were more nurturing. Further, your parents may not have had the ability to teach you these skills. Because these skills are transmitted early in life and are harder to learn later in life, the legacy of imbalance is often perpetuated from one generation to another.
Self-nurturing and limits skills consist of clusters of questions that we ask ourselves over and over until they become automatic.
The following are the questions for the nurturing skills:
 How do I feel?
 What do I need?
 Do I need support?
The following are the questions for the limits skills:
 Are my expectations reasonable?
 Is my thinking positive and powerful?
 What is the essential pain? What is the earned reward?
The questions posed by the nurturing cycle enable us to access our deepest
feelings. The limits cycle contains our feelings and helps them mature. The goal of the method is the interweaving of the skills. Initially, you use the skills intentionally. That moves us from an imbalanced state to one that is balanced.
Its extraordinarily powerful to be at the grocery store, stuck in traffic or home alone with the refrigerator packed with food and know that all you have to do is reach for these skills, and, in a matter of moments, you can move yourself above the line. Your drive to overeat will fade. Youll stop wanting the food. Youll still enjoy it. But, food becomes just food, not a fix.
Whats more, the groups are fun. We use a buddy system and a warm and wonderful Internet community for support. (For more information, visit www.thepathway.org or contact The Institute for Health Solutions at 415-457-3331.)

Copyright 2005, Weight Loss Buddy Press

We at www.WeightLossBuddy.com/lm are committed to helping you find a 24/7 buddy who will not only help you lose weight but who also will get you to change to a healthy lifestyle. You choose your own diet and your own exercise regime, and we find you a buddy who literally will stick with you through thick and thin. Signing up for a buddy is free. Simply go to www.WeightLossBuddy.com/lm
or call 1-877-BUDDY-UP.

About the author:
Joey Dweck is the founder and CEO of

heart healthandy casasantaHeart Smart Living:

Your heart is about the size of your fist and weighs approximately 1 pound. It is
very strong and durable but the heart is not invincible. The incidence of heart problems
is steadily declining but still relevant in our society. What can one do to possibly avoid
heart problems? Glad you asked. First off let me say that I am not a doctor.

The information in this article is for informational purposes only and
should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a licensed physician.
When in doubt, go see your doctor, always.

As previously stated, I am not a doctor but I do have health concerns and I would like to share
a few pointers that I have learned on heart health. A lot of the advice
might seem obvious but people still do not seem to pay attention to the warnings.

Below are three steps in the right direction to good heart health.
-Learn and educate yourself on heart health living
-What you can do that will put you on the road to a strong and healthy heart
-Pay attention to your doctors advice

Healthy Eating Habits:
-Incorporate more fruits and vegetables in your diet
-Moderate exercise program(again see your doctor about this)
-choose whole grain products more often
-Also try low fat foods when possible including leaner cuts of meat,
fish or poultry.

Be Active:
This doesn't mean a strenuous workout in the Gym, but maybe go for a
walk after dinner, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Be creative
but again if you are thinking about joining a gym seek the advice of your doctor.

Quit smoking:
This is the most important for your health in general. This is a difficult
task and is something that you might need help in but quite important
and mandatory for a long and healthy life.

In closing:
Get all the facts from your doctor and follow your doctors advice.
Educate yourself on this matter and you will be on the road to
good "Heart Health"

Please note, the information in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a licensed physician. Again, When in doubt, go see your doctor, always.

About the author:
Submitted by Mr. Andy Casasanta. The author of this article has devoted a portion of his life to health and well being for himself and others. All the subjects of his articles has effected his life in one way or another. Which has inspired him to create a tremendous health and pharmacy website. Save on all popular drugs such as Viagra, Lipitor, meridia, and hundreds more all for pennies on the dollar. Please visit:www.medheadquarters.net

Hair Loss Treatment Robert SHair Loss Treatment

Hair loss can happen to both men and women at almost any age. Many men experience a receding hairline during their early twenties and women begin to notice a thinning right behind their hairline from a very early age as well. Most people begin to see dramatic hair loss during their middle age years and become desperate to find an effective hair loss treatment. There are many different opinions on whether or not there are actually products that can reverse hair loss. Most will agree that hair loss prevention is more likely to be possible, but an effective hair loss treatment is something that has many skeptics and few optimists.

The search for an effective hair loss treatment became more than just an idea during the 1980s when a comprehensive understanding of how the genetics and pathology effect a persons hair loss. With this understanding came a new hair loss treatment industry that is heavily funded for both research and marketing. Scientists working to create an effective hair loss treatment came to discover that it is possible to forestall the aging process of follicles that can lead to hair loss than it is to make hair grow again from follicles that are already inactive. There are a number of products on the market available with or without a prescription that can help individuals retain their hair and prevent additional hair loss.

Another popular hair loss treatment is through surgery to change the progress of hair loss and balding. It is considered by many to be an incredibly length to go to reverse hair loss as well as incredibly expensive. The way surgery works as a hair loss treatment is through hair transplants, where small sections of skin with hair are taken from one part of the scalp to another. Another form of surgery as a hair loss treatment is called scalp reduction, where the excess skin on the scalp is removed and then the remaining parts with hair are stitched together again. When surgery is used as a hair loss treatment, people need to be aware that the procedure could cause extreme scarring that could become visible if hair loss continues over the rest of the head.

The future of research for hair loss treatment may lie within stem cell research. Stem cells have been found to be in hair follicles and select researchers believe that further research on the stem cells from the follicles could bring about successful hair loss treatment for baldness through something called hair multiplication or hair cloning. The way this hair loss treatment would work would be to reproduce the stem cells from the already existent follicles in cultures and then imbedding the new follicles into the scalp. Researchers hope to be able to send a signal to follicle stem cells in order to help them regenerate new hair growth.

While no one treatment is guaranteed to work for everyone, many individuals, both men and women, have had success with hair loss treatment. From over the counter and prescription drugs to extensive surgery procedures, the impact a persons appearance has on the way they feel about themselves is seen in the number of hair loss treatment options available to everyone.

About The Author
Robert is the webmaster and owner of " Quality-Hair-Loss-Solutions.com" and has been researching and reporting on Hair Loss Treatment solutions for years. Click Here ==> http://www.quality-hair-loss-solutions.com/

About the author:
About The Author
Robert is the webmaster and owner of " Quality-Hair-Loss-Solutions.com" and has been researching and reporting on Hair Loss Treatment solutions for years. Click Here ==> http://www.quality-hair-loss-solutions.com/

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Kickboxing DVDs are widely available and can help learn this martial art. The moves, techniques and training provided in the DVDs will help to grasp kickboxing at your own convenience. Since the DVD is at home, there is no pressure to attend classes and you can learn whenever you get the time to do so.

The available DVDs in the market range from providing basic guidelines on the art to providing ultimate expert level techniques. Whether you would like to train yourself as a kick boxer for personal fitness purposes or you want to learn kickboxing professionally, the wide array of DVDs will meet all your needs.

An online search on kickboxing DVD�s will yield several results. Some of the prominent DVDs include Fitness Kickboxing DVD, Learn Kickboxing: Complete Kickboxing 1 & 2 DVD, and Korean Kickboxing. As the name suggests, Fitness Kickboxing DVD aims to train you with kickboxing skills to help you stay fit and healthy. Learn Kickboxing DVD 1 provides an introduction into the art and teaches skills including balance, grip, posture, targets of attack, defense drills, and combat; the second DVD focuses on strategies to stay strong, attack with power, and to gain confidence in exercising the learned moves. The Korean Kickboxing DVD trains you like a professional kick boxer. This comprehensive DVD enlists all basic movements as well as advance defensive techniques to produce an over-all expert in the art. The techniques and concepts taught in the DVD will train you with the necessary physical and mental capabilities. The complete instructions and the images on the screen help to better understand the art and practice accordingly.
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Spirulina Powder Spirulina Tablets Spirulina Capsules

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Herbal Supplements � New Technology For Better Products

Herbal supplements have many health benefits. Many of them are potent antioxidants. Some have antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, and antitumor properties. Some improve general bodily functions such as digestion, mental clarity, circulation, hormonal balance, etc. Many people also consume herbal supplements to prevent and treat common ailments and improve the overall well beings.

Herbal supplements contain active constituents extracted from dry or fresh herbs. These active constituents can be divided into two main groups based on their chemical properties, hydrophilic (water loving) and lipophilic (oil loving). Traditionally, hydrophilic compounds are extracted in water and ethanol whereas lipophilic compounds are extracted in chemical solvents such as acetone and hexane.
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Philips Infraphil Lamp 100w

Ecozone Moonlight, night light, light bulb, glow light

Among the famous kinds of tea, red tea which is made from rooibos wich is an indigenous herb tea from the Southwestern Cape region of South Africa. Rooibos tea contains no colors, additives or preservatives, making it a natural beverage. Unlike regular tea, it contains no caffeine, but is full of antioxidants. Some cultures drink this tea for the relief of hay fever, asthma and heartburn.

In Asia people believe more in green tea, which has a combination of several antioxidants, along with vitamins and minerals that, in hundreds of studies, have shown to have positive effects to our health. Looking at some of these studies green tea seems to help reduce blood pressure, help with sugar control, and also help reduce the rates of certain cancers.
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Ecozone Moonlight, night light, light bulb, glow light



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