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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Muira Puama Herb Updates

Muira Puama Herb DiscussionBentonite Clay Powder Capsules

Arthritis commonly affects, feet, knees, hips and fingers. The common symptoms of hip arthritis include inflammation, stiffness and pain in the joints. The earlier symptoms include pain and stiffness in the hip, groin, inner thigh or knee areas.

The classic sign of arthritis is joint pain. Pain is usually worse in the morning and lessens during the day. However, increased vigorous activity can result in your back pain getting stiffer and worse as you progress your activity.
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Bentonite Clay Powder Capsules

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1) Consume increasing amounts of fresh, whole organically grown fruits and vegetables, seeds and nuts;
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Natural RemediesHow Does Health Insurance Work?

There are lots of different kinds of health insurance. Plan that cover medical services and prescription medicines, plans that cover dental expenses, disability insurance that replaces income lost due to extended illness or injury, long-term care, and so on. In the United States, people typically refer to the plans that cover medical expenses as "health insurance", and these plans are usually bought by employers and offered to employees as part of their compensation, or "benefits".

Health insurance plans are usually sold once, then renewed on an annual basis. So when a consumer buys health insurance (either directly or through an employer), the insurer agrees to pay for health expenses as long as the premiums are paid on time and the account is in good standing.

Health insurance plans come in two flavors: "Fee-for-Service" or "Managed Care". Both types of insurance cover major medical, surgical and hospital expenses, and are often referred to as "major medical plans". Fee-for-service plans pay the medical service provider a fee for each service provided to a patient, and that patient can usually go see whatever health care provider they wish. Managed care plans, on the other hand, pre-pay contracted providers for each member's coverage in advance. Members are offered a financial incentive to use providers who belong to the plan.

Here are a few common terms that you'll probably run into:

Deductible: This is the amount you must pay out-of-pocket before the insurer will pay anything. Deductibles can vary widely, ranging from $0 to a few thousand dollars.

Co-insurance amount: This is the percentage of your medical expenses you must pay after you reach your deductible. This will typically range from 10-30%.

Maximum out-of-pocket amount: This is maximum amount you are required to pay in a given year, after which the insurer will pay 100% of the cost of covered medical expenses.

Covered benefits: Types of medical services the insurer will pay for.

Exclusions: Types of medical services the insurer will not pay for.

Its true: there's a lot of jargon, and plans are difficult to evaluate and compare. But it's important, and worth your time. Carefully review plan descriptions, and take your time to understand the coverage of any plan you're currently under - or considering purchasing.

About the Author

Kurt Stammberger is VP, Marketing at Healthia Inc. Healthia provides integrated comparison-shopping information on group health insurance and small business insurance plans, free tips and advice for selecting the best plans that suit your needs.



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