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Many people assume that Nicotine is bad for you but actually nothing could be further from the truth, medical evidence and research at shows it does not cause cancer and could actually provide health benefits.
The problem with nicotine is its reputation caused by its association with smoking.
In a recent paper at the website, titled "Nicotine as Therapy" by Tabitha M. Powledge. She notes that:
"There's a cheap, common, and mostly safe drug, in daily use for centuries by hundreds of millions of people, that only lately has been investigated for its therapeutic potential for a long list of common ills.
The list includes Alzheimer disease, Parkinson disease, depression and anxiety, schizophrenia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and even pain and obesity.
Why has interest in this potential cure-all been slow to develop? One reason: in its current forms the drug offers pharmaceutical companies no possibility of substantial profit.
Another, perhaps more important: the drug is reviled as the world's most addictive. The drug, of course, is nicotine"
Public perception of Nicotine is negative.
Therefore close the eyes and ears to the evidence that it can be healthy when not combined with other harmful substances,
There are in fact thousands of chemicals contained in cigarettes, which some of them are the main killers such as carbon Monoxide, arsenic and ammonia, to name a few.
For example, there is no evidence that nicotine causes cancer, although many people think it does.
Nicotine in pure form is safe actually and non toxic.
In fact many of us who don't smoke put nicotine in our bodies everyday as it is present in many vegetables, such as potatoes, tomatoes and cauliflower and even some teas.
Nicotine is actually a naturally occurring compound in nature.
Nicotine suffers its bad reputation simply due to its presence in cigarette smoking, which we all know is one of the major killers in the western world.
A bad reputation by association
The key with nicotine is education. The research on the benefits of nicotine has aroused serious interest and has even been funded by the Federal Government.
Once it gets over its bad reputation and people can see Nicotine away from cigarette smoking, the benefits of nicotine will become more widespread and accepted by the general public.
About the Author
Niclite is a Nicotine drink that contains just Nicotine in ots pure form in a refreshing lemon flavored drink and is aimed at for when people cannnot smoke or are not allowed to smoke and is available at
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Herbal Aphrodisiacs NewsLucuma Flour
Goji Juice Jello: Goji Fun for the Whole Family
Goji juice is quickly becoming one of the most popular nutritional supplements in the world. Extracted from goji berries, it�s widely considered to be one of the most nutritionally dense foods ever discovered. Around the world, thousands of families have made drinking goji juice a part of their daily routine, and because of the delicious taste of the juice, most of them maintain the same mundane schedule of downing a few ounces of pure juice.
Despite the great taste of goji juice, families with small children might wish to enhance their goji juice experience by adding some fun to the equation. This is where creative imagination comes into play. Why risk boring yourself by simply drinking goji juice day-after-day, locked into the same monotonous routine? Where�s the fun in that? By making your child�s daily goji consumption a more entertaining experience, he or she will look forward to the daily event and be less likely to forget this important nutritional juice. One way to add some pep to your goji is by creating goji juice jello! Below, you�ll find a recipe for doing just that.
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Lucuma Flour
Have you ever considered this simple question: Are you clean inside? We shower, brush our teeth and wash our hair on a daily basis, but we tend to ignore cleansing our insides until some form of disease sends us a wake-up call. Believe it or not, our insides, especially the colon which functions as the "sewer system" of our body, also requires regular cleaning.
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Flaxseed - Golden Whole Flaxseed - 1KG
4) One good Home Remedy for Constipation is to Drink lemon juice mixed with warm water two to three times a day.
5) Another remedy is to drink one liter of warm water and walk around for a few minutes instantly after waking up early in the morning.
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Flaxseed - Golden Whole Flaxseed - 1KG
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