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Monday, April 07, 2008

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Pollen NewsSUCK UK Sun Jar Nightlights

Category three is to keep your word once given. If you say you will be at a meeting at 6:45 - be there at 6:45. No excuses, just be there. If you say you're going to help someone - help them. Keep your word. If for some reason you're unable to keep your word, make it up to the person. Do something that shows you want to help.
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SUCK UK Sun Jar Nightlights

PollenWe Discuss Multiple Vitamins - Our Article On Multiple Vitamins

Although regular meals provide most of our nutritional needs, no single food contains all the nutrients necessary to meet recommended dietary allowances (RDAs). As a result, vitamin and mineral deficiencies are very common, particularly in working people who have limited time to prepare healthy meals. Doctors usually recommend multiple vitamins, also called multivitamins, to help them meet RDAs and prevent deficiency-related diseases.

These supplements combine multiple vitamins and dietary minerals in a single dose, making it easier to monitor one?s intake. There are different types of multiple vitamins, but not all of them are reliable. Here are some tips on choosing the right multiple vitamins for your needs.

1. Supplement forms

Multiple vitamins are available in tablets, capsules, gel capsules, and liquids. Form is partly dependent on the nutrients included; for example, calcium supplements are usually solid and come in large capsules. Liquids are the most effective because the body absorbs them directly, unlike solids which have to be dissolved first. Tablets are usually slow to dissolve because they use strong binders to hold them together.

2. Nutrient balance

Always read the labels and make sure the nutrients are in proportion. For example, there should not be 100% RDA of one nutrient and only 10% of another. Also, remember that not all vitamins can be taken together ? some manufacturers just throw multiple vitamins together brand it a ?multivitamin.? Make sure the product was formulated by a reputable scientist or laboratory.

3. Herbal supplements

Many people prefer herbal multivitamins because they are made from natural ingredients, reducing the risk of side effects. However, these are not strictly regulated and may not be as effective, or even cause more serious side effects. Some herbs can interact negatively with other supplements, so consult your doctor before taking any herbal supplements.

4. Mineral content

Multiple vitamins may contain different dietary minerals depending on their intended function. Multivitamins with iron and folic acid are ideal for women during pregnancy or lactation, while those with calcium are used by older patients to improve bone strength. Athletes and bodybuilders usually take protein-enhanced multivitamins to promote muscle growth.

IMPORTANT: Some dietary supplements use silica, gluten, sugar, starch, or other extenders that may be harmful to your health. Look for multiple vitamins that are GMP-compliant to make sure they do not contain such additives. Also, avoid products with artificial flavors or colors because they can interfere with the effects of the vitamins.

The product we personally use called Total Balance - http://www.health-product-we-use.com is the most natural and effective supplement we have come across. We have been using this product for over 3 years with excellent health results.

We highly recommend you learn more about our best natural nutritional supplement if you are interested in improving your overall health.

Jean Helmet runs a series of health websites, We offer a free health book for subscribers to our websites newsletter. We cover everything you need to know on nutrition and how to improve your general overall health. Check out our nutrition e-book, for more information on nutrition and the products we use.

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