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Friday, October 03, 2008

Wheatgrass Tablets for health

Wheatgrass TabletsChlorophyll and Living Raw Foods

Sun, 06 May 2007 23:43:17 EDT
Many have been taught the benefits of vitamins and minerals, and the benefits of antioxidants, but to many the benefits of chlorophyll for many are unknown. As the springboard for photosynthesis, the...

How To Grow Wheat Grass

Tue, 22 Jul 2008 02:01:41 EDT
Of course, the tablets inherit all nutrional benefits of wheatgrass....Tags: tablets of wheat grass, wheat grass tablet benefits, wheat grass tablets ... July 17, 2008 · Filed Under wheat grass · Comment Wheatgrass refers to the young grass of the common wheat plant, Triticum aestivum, that i...July 19, 2008 · Filed Under wheat grass · Comments Off Wheatgrass tablets are dark green coloured pills made from wheatgass powder....

9/8/08 (Monday) Updates

Tue, 09 Sep 2008 00:32:14 EDT
Physical - ate multivitamin - ate 2 servings of 7 tablets of wheatgrass - REMEMBER TO MIND YOUR POSTURE!...

Holistic HealingOccupational Health, Safety & Risk Management for the Home

As I attend more and more Risk Management, OH&S and Manual Handling training for work, I've noticed that as boring as these courses often are, I am bringing my newly-aware eyes home and looking with dissatisfaction around my house. I went through all the usual kid-safe safaris way back when my children were crawling and toddling from one room to another. Not a furniture corner remained unpadded or a glass object d'art put out of harms way. Yet, freshly trained for the office, I see that I have let things slide since the darling trio reached the independence years of the charming pre-pubescent.

Risk Management trains the eye to assess the inherent risk of building and event sites. Unconfined refuse, unsafe scaffolding, construction left-overs, etc. Every aspect is inspected for safety and potential to injure. The trained eye also casts a knowing gaze over backyard party preparations. Damaged fence posts from soccer balls kicked too hard; wire poking free from the corner where once passionfruit vines had trailed; tree roots and rocks protruding from an unkempt lawn, hidden bone-size holes in same. A long time ago, in the time period generally known as "before kids walking ", our backyard looked quite good with everything in its proper place. Then the kids, followed by an active, partly insane dog, took over and there went paradise. I dragged my husband into the wilds with lectures on risk control, damaged arms and legs not belong to this family, and hazardous waste pooling behind the garage. He assured me the waste was in no way toxic and we made ourselves busy fixing and barricading the rest of the yard. It took a whole weekend.

Manual handling. Ah, now there's a torturous lesson in how to keep the eyes open, let alone alert! However? it also showed me that I really shouldn't attempt to carry too many grocery bags in one trip just to get the job done quicker. It also further demonstrated the need to insistently share more of the heavy and arduous chores around the home such as vacuuming and bedmaking. At one stage I had been determined that my children would grow up knowing how to make their own beds and look after their personal environments [read, their bedrooms]. Somewhere along the way it became much easier and less stressful to do it myself. So, I am back to insisting they shoulder their share of the burdens in order to receive their share of the subsequent blessings - me in a good mood and with energy! I also, with stern visage, folded arms and tapping foot, insist that husband clean up after himself and learn to put his own clothes away.

Occupational Health and Safety. This is the biggy! I scan the house at all times, often without realising it, and point out the dangers in leaving the hairdryer plugged into the wall with the cord draped over the fruit bowl [don't ask!]. Warn of the potential fire hazard of not unplugging the laptop from the charger and leaving it nestled among the blankets on the lounge. Gently remind of the dangers of leaving toys, clothing and schoolbags scattered across floors and/or blocking doorways. Trip hazard, children, and probably mine! Being electrocuted, set on fire, tripping over and breaking a leg does not make for a happy and energised mother. And dad won't be too happy about it either.

I thought it wasn't really getting through to the children until the other day. I overheard number three darling telling number two that leaving her cd player in the middle of the room with the cord stretched across the walkway was completely unsafe, and "I could have tripped over and broken a leg, you know!" I sighed in bliss. They do listen after all.

So, while the warnings and reminders continue unabated, my husband [equally as trained in OH&S] and I back them up with ensuring our home remains reasonably safe for us all to live in. Those areas deemed irretrievable [at least until the children grow up and move into their own OH&S problems] have been fortified to prevent access. Those areas we can fix, we do. Last weekend we discovered that underneath the growing pile of unused bicycles, roller blades, skateboards and assorted sorry-looking balls, was a boat! We've cleaned out the spiderwebs, tested the engines, and this weekend, we're going to see if the old thing still floats. Don?t worry. With our minds still firmly on the safety and well being of our darling children, we've drawn up lists of things that need cleaning, sorting and putting away and have put them, and the young ones, in the experienced hands of their grandparents. Happy Boating!


Trish is an independent writer with desktop publishing, promotional material, content sourcing, location and information research, fiction critique and web group management skills tucked firmly into her work belt. To find out about rates and other services, or to read more of her articles, visit Trish at http://beginningsmiddlesends.blogspot.com/ or send an email to wordcatcher@hotmail.com

Wheatgrass Tablets NewsOrange Peel Powder - Vitamin C Supplement

But problems with exercise can occur at any time during the year. Suppose you're injured in an accident. Or work or family problems take up so much time, you can't exercise.
View this websit fo...
Orange Peel Powder - Vitamin C Supplement

Magno Ball - Reduces limescale and hardwater
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Lets talk about Damiana

A journey worth telling - Manila Bulletin

Fri, 03 Oct 2008 18:03:33 GMT

A journey worth telling
Manila Bulletin, Philippines - 1 hour ago
Later, a very young student named Damiana Eugenio followed their example when she herself became a professor. This became her life’s work and before she ...

Women's Sexual Health - Increasing it Naturally With Proven Herbs

Sun, 08 Jun 2008 12:50:35 EDT
Here we will look at womens sexual health and while much has been written on lack of male sex drive, many women lose their libido and here we are going to look at the key causes and how to reignite it...

How to Relieve Menopause Symptoms

Fri, 18 Nov 2005 00:00:00 EST
What is Menopause?
Menopause begins in your early 40s as your ovaries gradually produce less and less of the hormone estrogen. Your periods become erratic - sometimes skipping a month or alternat...

Natural RemedyA Low Carbohydrate Diet works for weight loss...Don't Believe the Hype!

When the average person embarks on a diet or fitness regimen in the aim of losing weight or building muscle mass, what they are usually instructed to do is to eat lots of protein and go on a low carbohydrate diet to accomplish either of the goals.

Right there, an observer should see a red-flag: "How is it that the same dietetic suggestion for weight loss remains applicable for building muscle mass?!"
We all know we need a certain amount of protein everyday to remain healthy. Based on misinformation to this effect, several people view the daily consumption of a high-protein diet as beneficial. But have you really seen any one lose the desired weight on such popular diets as the Atkins Diet, which is basically a low-carbohydrate/high protein lifestyle.

I have seen several people try it and fail, and even became sicker for the process.

Here are some other facts that should spur you in the right direction in regards to excessive protein consumption: According to the French Hygienist, Albert Mosseri, diseases and conditions which can be caused or aggravated by too much protein intake include: Leukemia, Skin Diseases and even Cancer.

Based on the John Robbins work titled: Diet for a New America, the number of people in the US suffering from diseases caused by protein excess is a mind-boggling 40, 000, 000 compared to a measly 3 people suffering from the deficiency of this substance.

Judging from these, it may be time to revise the misinforming ideas on protein in our diets.

Let's consider some factors on why a Low Carbohydrate Diet may be unnecessary and even detrimental to one's health.
1. The animals that are usually eaten for protein, what do they subsists on?
Substances of the Plant Kingdom for example: cows live on grass exclusively.

2. 98% of the human population is sweet toothed...which shows that carbohydrates are our main need contrary to popular belief.

3. The great apes are primarily fruit eaters (although with substantial amount of leaves in their diets) How similar are humans to them? Very much so. We share 98% of the same genes.

4. It's been scientifically proven that mother's milk is about 2% protein, now if this is the ideal of a growing baby for the first 3 years; of course it shows the minimal need of it. (Point of note, the milk of a woman is affected by her diet so of course that should be checked.)

5. The need of protein for the human body is about a nickel's weight worth, the excess is basically excreted in urine.

6. Several people subsists on fruits and green leaves exclusively or starchy root vegetables, fruits and leaves only and are in top shape-I've seen and am one of them.

7. People have fasted on water only for several days and were actually stronger for the process!

8. Fruits and green leaves give you sufficient protein: e.g. the Banana, Dates, Avocadoes, Olives, Cabbage, Lettuce, Durian, Young Coconuts and even the Apple. Exactly or a little more than what you need at a given time.

9. Based on research, the need for amino acids is highly exaggerated as only 16% or our body is Protein. Pure protein is primarily Nitrogen (N) with some Oxygen and Hydrogen and Carbon. We all know that we get a large share of our Oxygen and Hydrogen need from the air. Since we are able to utilize and assimilate a large amount of our needs of these elements, we are able to build the Nitrogen into our body as protein. This process is done by natural bacteria action that is capable of converting it to our use. People who smoke though cannot pick up Nitrogen from the air so easily but might still get enough from proper foods. Although for your well-being, cessation of tobacco usage is mandatory.

10. Research has been done on the diet of the aboriginal tribes living in the Mountains of Hagen. Their diet consisted of 80 % Sweet potatoes. The rest consisted of fruits and green leaf vegetables. Their daily consumption of protein was around 9.92 g. Meanwhile, eliminated in their fecal matter was a protein of around 15 times more of what was ingested. This phenomenon illustrates the protein synthesis illustrated above.

Definitely cutting back on the 'wrong' kinds of Carbohydrates such as Cakes, Confectioneries, Bread, Polished rice and the like will be mandatory for weight-loss, but replacing them with high protein foods is- just as from the points above-unnecessary and actually harmful for overall health and fitness.

So what should we eat? Simple, Raw and properly cooked Fruits, Roots and Leafy Vegetables. Not only is this kind of diet unmatched for speedy weight-loss, but your body will thank you for the change as you mechanically (via the broom-like/mucus-binding qualities of these substances) cleanse yourself from perhaps a life-time of wrong eating.

Remember the famous quote by Hippocrates; the "Father of Medicine": "Let your foods be your medicine and your medicine your Foods!" Therefore, don't believe the hype of high-protein/low carbohydrate diets for weight-loss or fitness. For optimal health a wise combination of your organic, seasonal fruits, roots and veggies is the best and safest way to go.

About the Author

Foras Aje is an independent researcher and author of Fitness: Inside and out, a book on improving physical and mental health naturally. For more information on attaining a safe weight loss visit http://www.bodyhealthsoul.com

Superfoods: K - Q
Soapods - A Natural Alternative to Washing Powder.
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