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Sunday, August 31, 2008

General Health article

Topics on Electric Fruit JuicerBlood Sugar Balance

The lymphatic system serves to clean and drain the body's tissues, while also providing a defence mechanism that carries out vital protective functions.

To put it in layman's terms, just as red blood cells act as transport mechanisms for oxygen and carbon dioxide, the lymph fluid carries what is referred to as a "lymph-obligatory" load. This is a mixture of vital substances and toxins, which must be returned to the blood stream.

Lymph carries plasma proteins necessary to cells as building blocks of life; it also carries vitamins and hormones to cells and destroyed or dying cells and waste products away from them for excretion.
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Blood Sugar Balance

Wheatgrass Growing Kits

If you choose to use herbal remedies for hypothyroidism and fatigue resulting from it, it is important that you that you understand the underlining cause of an under active thyroid such as stress,iodine deficiency, hormonal imbalances, or failure of the pituary gland. Because the best thyroid treatment is to treat the cause.

A hypoactive thyroid can develop at anytime and is indiscriminate as to whom it strikes. Studies have shown that women are more likely to develop this disease than men are. Although it is very rare, hypoactive thyroid can occur in children. If your child has hypothyroidism and fatique is one of the symptoms, please report this to your pediatrician because this can affect his ability to function normally at school and in other social environments. It is important that you report any changes in your child�s health, especially the presence of fatigue, and to make sure that they have their yearly physicals.
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Wheatgrass Growing Kits


If you�re anything like I was a short while ago, �a skinny guy trying to build muscle mass�, then I have some important tips that could help you start seeing results instantly.
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Better Nutrition (1989-90) - Juice fruits and vegetables for maximum nutrition - use of electric juicers and other food processors; includes related information

Wed, 01 Nov 1989 08:00:00 GMT
November 1, 1989 -- Juice fruits and vegetables for maximum nutrition Electric juicers are essential if you want to reap the maximum nutritional benefits from fresh...

Middle class feels let down by Budget 2009 - Malaysia Star

Sun, 31 Aug 2008 00:05:19 GMT

Middle class feels let down by Budget 2009
Malaysia Star, Malaysia - Aug 30, 2008
Is the Government telling us we should now buy imported fruit juice instead of rice?” asked Yam, 60. The Budget states that households incurring monthly ...

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Holistic article

News on Rio Amazon Maca CapsulesSuperfood Range Trade Enquiries

People tend to think that when they are on vacations it is allowed for them not to follow any type of diet plan or continue to measure their food portions. After all it is summer time; which automatically is translated as the time one should let his/her guards down. Well, tempting as this may seem for many, we all know the outcomes of such a "relaxed" nutritional plan; more business for those weight-loss centers upon the completion of our summer period. But, there is a way out and it does not include "starvation." Keeping your diet's balance is not that difficult, as long as you know what to avoid, when and why.
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Superfood Range Trade Enquiries

Contact us if you have any questions.

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HolisticHow To Take Bee Pollen

While there are no set direction or guidelines on how to take bee pollen products, there are general dosage instructions on each specific product on how to take bee pollen. Some people may have a severe allergy to bee pollen. This renders all instruction on how to take bee pollen useless due to the fact that bee pollen allergy is a serious health issue and should not be overlooked when understanding how to take bee pollen.

Do I Have To See a Practioner on How to Take Bee Pollen

The answer to that is absolutely not! As mentioned in the above paragraph, unless you have allergies or have suffered anaphylactic shock from any reaction at all, you should not even inquire on how to take bee pollen. Remember bee pollen is not for everyone, especially those that may put their lives in danger by ingesting even a small amount.

Most products that are made of bee pollen have the instructions and dosage information on them and there is no need to seek the advice of your doctor or Nutritionalist. For example, Royal Jelly, which is derived from the hive, is made by the bees for food for the queen as well as food to feed the larvae.

When you purchase royal jelly from any source, it will direct you on how to take the bee pollen products you have chosen. Royal jelly is used to treat a host of ailments also, too numerous to mention here, but is well worth the search to understand its full affects on the human body.

Now, here?s an interesting tidbit about the bee colony and the royal jelly that you may want to consider when choosing an appropriate bee pollen therapy; the queen bee eats royal jelly her entire life span and nothing else. The queen?s life span is approximately five years. The larvae that feed on royal jelly are only fed it for three days during their maturation stage and at no other time. Is it any surprise that the worker bee?s average lifespan is about thirty days?

Keep in mind that when seeking bee pollen products and how to take bee pollen products, the company or manufacturer you are purchasing it from should be well researched to ensure a quality, high-grade product.

The product we personally use, located in the pristine source of New Zealand, is the most natural bee pollen source we have come across - http://www.bee-health-product.com

We have been using this supplement for over 3 years with excellent health results. We have achieved a general sense of well being and new improved energy levels.

We highly recommend you check out our bee pollen supplement of choice for further information.

John Gibb runs a series of health websites. Check out our Bee supplement guide, for more information on bee pollen.

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